Wolf Quest!

Wolf Quest!
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Wednesday 22 August 2012

Me as a wolf!

Here is me! Finally I made it XD Enjoy!

Hope you enjoy!


My new wolf!

Hey everyone! I have some VERY exiting news!! I have a new wolf! And his name? Jesse! He already has a mate. I got some pictures of Jesse, take a look below!!!

Jesse in a rock: Lol!

You can see Jesse inside the rock! Wow, amazing!

Jesse fighting!

Jesse with his mate, River!

Jesse by himself, running XD

Well, there ya go! Hope you enjoy and i'll get some pics of me in Wolf Quest soon!

(Ps, you know the wolf you see as my pic for my profile? Thats my other wolf, Ali. I'm much lighter.)


Some cheats for Wolf Quest!

As we all know, there are some cheats for Wolf Quest. I have gotten a few and I would love to show you some! I will add more cheats in the future, but here are some now!

1. Infinite Experience Glitch.
What is it?
Raising your experience points by the THOUSANDS!
How do you do it?
Here's what you do:
Fight a wolf until submission. Then right before it leaves,
open the menu and go to pack stats.
Your points will stop rising when you exit pack stats screen.
I haven't tried it before, but I heard if you get over 10,000 and your computer is more then 3 years old,(Since you got it) your game will crash! If your not sure, then just don't let it hit that amount! You can still do the glitch though, but be careful!
How do you get rid of it?
I'm not so sure. Until I found out, try reloading.....

2. Kill a bear glitch.
What is it?
This is where you kill a bear.
How do you do it?
Find a bear. Test it once by biting it. If it does not attack or run,
you've found the right bear. Keep biting it, it will not attack you, just calmly sniff the air around it. When you kill it, the bear will not drop dead. It'll just keep sniffing the air.
How do you get rid of it?
Just don't attack the bear in the first place...duh.

3.Frozen Running coyote glitch.
What is it?
It says it all in the title.
How do you do it?
Sometimes coyotes will run away from you, but...they won't seem
to be getting anywhere. If you run into them, they will slide across the map, but eventully snap back to where they started off with.
(Ps, this isn't really a glitch, but its so cool!)
How to get rid of it?
Kill the coyote.

4.The slide marking glitch.
What is it?
Where your wolf walks around, but it's feet or hands aren't moving.
How do you do it?
Go and find a stranger wolf. While talking to it, press 'p'. The other wolf will dissaper, and then when you try to walk around, you slide instead of walking!
How to get rid of it?
Save and reload, or reload the game.

5. Slide move glitch.
What is it?
Its where your walking in an action, but the only 2 actions are howl, and bow.
How do you do it?
Press H+X at the same time for howl, and K+X for bow!
How to get rid of it?
Wait for the howling or bowing to finish.

Thats all everyone! Hope these work!


Hey guys!

Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog about Wolf Quest! We have cheats, hints, and tips about Wolf Quest! Enjoy, and I hope you like it!!!! Bye!